Funny Business comedy booking agency / Alex Sparling

Alex Sparling / Standup comics, comedians and comedy writers from the finest talent roster in Canada

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Alex Sparling

Alex Sparling

Born in Winnipeg and raised in Yellowknife, Alex has been a fixture on the West Coast comedy scene since bringing his unique and charming brand of comedy to Vancouver in 2009. Since then, he’s performed on hundreds of shows and won numerous local competitions including the 2015 Vancouver Yuk Off.

His racy jokes about animals, asthma and the loss of his eye earned him a place in the “Top 3 Comics in Vancouver” in the 2014 SiriusXM’s Top Comic Competition. And just last year, Alex was one of 10 finalists to showcase at the Hollywood Improv in Los Angeles for an NBC TV Stand-up for Diversity showcase.

Alex still brings his goofy, high energy, surreal style of comedy back to the Northwest Territories every year, but if you see his name in your city, make sure to catch his show. You’ll be glad you did.

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