Funny Business comedy booking agency / Jasen Fredrickson

Jasen Fredrickson / Standup comics, comedians and comedy writers from the finest talent roster in Canada

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Jasen Fredrickson

Jasen Fredrickson

Having been born in the seventies, raised in the eighties, graduated from the nineties, and married with children in the two thousandths, has blessed Freddy with a peculiar stance on what is “normal”.  His friendly demeanor immediately has you comfortable enough to hitch a ride on his Happy Fun Bus for an exhilarating ride down a bent and twisted highway of the absurd.

Winner of Calgary’s funniest new comedian in 2002, he quickly became a local favorite and has toured extensively across Canada. “Oh my God…”, “…Funniest guy I’ve ever seen,” “He could make the dead laugh,” are just some of the comments that have been said of his show.

Not to be missed, Jasen Fredrickson is one comedian that is destined for greatness, but don’t take our word for it. Get on board, hang on tight, and get ready for one crazy amazing happy fun trip with one crazy amazing happy fun guy!