Funny Business comedy booking agency / Melanie Rose

Melanie Rose / Standup comics, comedians and comedy writers from the finest talent roster in Canada

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Melanie Rose

Melanie Rose

Melanie Rose is a bright pink ray of sunshine. She's known for her sharp wit, relatable stories and great crowd work, which is making her a rising star in the world of comedy.  Melanie was born and raised in Richmond BC, she’s the oldest of four, a grade 12 graduate, class of 1984, Now, she’s over 50 and is making her dreams come true by telling jokes wherever she can. Some of her favorite memories are staying up late with her Nana to watch Johnny Carson and Carol Burnett. “All I ever wanted to do was jump in that tv and be a part of that fun happy world” Rose says.. Melanie got her start in comedy by attending a class first and then performing at local open mic nights and soon developed a loyal following. Her unique perspective on everything from relationships to addiction, to standing in front of a gym window to get her exercise, have quickly caught the comedy clubs across Canada, and she soon found herself touring as a professional comedian.

 As her career grows, Melanie continues to hone her craft, refining her material and developing a distinctive voice. In addition working as a comedian, she has worked with the homeless community for almost 10yrs and is an advocate for mental health, she has produced her own show called Heavy Mental Comedy with the hope that it becomes a One Woman touring show. Melanie uses her humour to raise awareness about the importance of seeking help for mental health and ending the stigma it can bring. With her quick wit, infectious personality, and commitment to make the world a better place Melanie Rose is definitely a comedian to watch in the years to come.